Mitchell Community College, Statesville, North Carolina

ClarkPowell was selected to design and install the audio visual systems for Mitchell Community College’s new Health Science Building in Statesville, North Carolina.
Basic classrooms have audio and video presentation capabilities with an easy to use button control system. All rooms are standardized and have laser projectors for ‘instant on’ and long term hassle-free use.
Several rooms offer advanced features like wireless presentation and signal routing and various displays for active learning breakout sessions.
In partnership with Laerdal, who manufacture medical mannequins and other medical training tools for student nurses and doctors, ClarkPowell installed the AV portion of the simulation labs. This included cameras, microphones and patient monitors.
This project was completed right as the COVID-19 pandemic hit and we have since installed cameras and microphones in several rooms so students can safely social distance and participate in remote learning.
Mitchell Community College, a learning-centered institution, provides affordable, high-quality educational and training programs and services to meet the changing and diverse lifelong learning needs of a multi-culturally diverse citizenry who live and work in a global society.